Makongo Juu, one of Dar es Salaam's many Informal Settlements. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Makongo Juu, one of Dar es Salaam's many informal settlements. The settlement has a diverse population especially with regard to its inhabitants' income levels. It is estimated that more than 70 percent of all households in Dar es Salaam live in informal settlements. In comparison to informal settlements in other countries, in Tanzania residents of informal settlements, to a large extend, have security of tenure. Due to that the structural quality of most houses built is better and people of different income levels live together. What lesson can we learn from Dar es Salaam's informal settlments? #informality #informalsettlements #securityoftenure#diversity #socialinclusion #? contrasts #citylife #cityexplorations #makongojuu#daressalaam #tanzania #eastafrica #africa