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Dhaka introduced a “car free day”. Dhaka, Bangladesh.

In 2016, Dhaka introduced a “car free day” in the city. The late Mayor of Dhaka North City Corporation, Mr. Annisul Huq (1952-2017) from the National Level Organization, declared to make two roads car free once a month. On 10th November 2017, city dwellers experienced the wonderful beginning of a Car Free Street Movement taking place at the Manik Mia Avenue (a road in front of the National Parliament House). The event is organised by the Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority along with 48 other private organizations and NGOs. “Work for Better Bangladesh Trust” is one of the key organizations facilitating the event. Activities such as an art competition, kite flying, yoga, meditation, chess, ludo, cycling, dancing are encouraged. Giving people a sense of festivity and means to socialise. The first Friday of the month in Dhaka, is now known as “Go car free and choose your ride: walk, bike or take a bus”. Movements such as this is important for an Inclusive City. The respective Ministry has already started acknowledging the movement, by allocating a third road to be part of the event. Do you have a car-free day in your city?

Photo Curtsy: Musfera Jahan


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