CULTURAL HERITAGE . HOW DOES CULTURAL HERITAGE SHAPE THE IMAGE OF OUR CITIES? OUR IDENTITY? HOW DO WE VALUE, PRESERVE OR DO NOT PRESERVE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN OUR CITIES? HOW SHOULD CULTURAL HERITAGE BE MANAGED? AND AFTER ALL WHAT IS CULTURAL HERITAGE AND WHAT NOT? ... Share your take and experience with us! You can tag us on your pictures, by using our official hashtag#cityexplorations or send us an image with a caption and your name to and we will post your contribution @cityexplorationsnetwork. . GET INVOLVED AND LET US EXPLORE YOUR CITY TOGETHER!!! . . #cityexplorations #urbanplanning#urbanmanagement #urbanplanners #urbanspaces#urbanrealities #plannersaroundtheglobe#city_explore #citylife #culturalheritage #culture#heritage #identity #preservation #topicofthemonth#contribute #participate #bepart #sharingiscaring