Melting Glaciers of the Andes, Santiago, Chile.
#climatechange and #globalwarming are affecting glaciers worldwide. The city of Santiago in Chile depends on the Andes glaciers for its...
Climate Change Mitigation in Bissighin, Burkina Faso.
Climate change affects Bissighin, Burkina Faso, in several ways. The most critical and frequent are floods. Among the causes insufficient...
Vulnerability of Coastal Communities, Mombasa, Kenya.
Thanks for sharing Vintage Mwangi #sharingisaboutcaring ··· “ Vulnerability of urban coastal communities to climate change. Climate...
Disaster Risk Prevention and Preparedness through Context Specific Urban Planning needed? Houston, T
With climate change hurricanes like Harvey are likely to increase in their frequency and extent. Interestingly, Sam Brody a Professor at...
Green Rooftops, Cairo, Egypt.
While regions are suffering from floods, others are suffering from drought. Urban heat Islands are a common phenomenon whereby urban...
Sea Level Rise Displacing Slum Dwellers, West Point, Monrovia, Liberia.
West Point, situated at the heart of Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, is highly exposed to sea level rise placing its residents at risk...
Spatial Planning in Coastal Cities, Palawan, Philippines.
Climate change is affecting life under water: 90% of the world's coral reefs are expected do disappear by 2050, threatening marine life...
Climate Change Adaptation, Valdivia, Chile.
Chile is among the countries which have agreed to take actions to mitigate and to adapt to climate change. Valdivia, located in the...
The forgotten Sector in the Climate Change Debate, Brasilia, Brazil.
One sector, which is often forgotten in the debate on climate change, is the urban waste sector. The global waste sector produces,...
Blue-Green Network, Belmopan, Belize.
Belmopan, the capital city of Belize, is currently facing important urban challenges. UN-Habitat together with Belmopan’s City Council,...