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“Netzwerk Immovielien” - supporting the common good in the areas of real estate and neighbourhood de

The “Netzwerk Immovielien” is made up of actors from civil society, the public and social sectors, and the business and academic communities. The network works to support the common good in the areas of real estate and neighbourhood development. Citizens which develop real estate for themselves and their neighbourhood in a solidary, self-organized way and in cooperation with partners - in both cities and rural areas – play an important role in this process and our network works to support these initiatives. We call these initiatives “Immovielien”, a term that plays on the German words for ‘real estate’ and ‘many’. Indeed, our network supports real estate developed by many for many.

“Immovielien” are real estate projects, which create durable added value for both the neighbourhood and wider society. These projects encourage personal participation and development, increase social cohesion and foster social innovation. Arising in a participative and interdisciplinary process, “Immovielien” are based on the involvement of many stakeholders who meet and exchange at eye level; together, these individuals create common goods. “Immovielien” connect the different uses of spaces, create synergies and promote positive change in their surroundings.

By connecting housing, education, social services, industry and nature, “Immovielien” bring together the complementary building blocks for a good quality of urban life. In doing so, these projects are already providing important contributions today for livable and sustainable cities and regions in the future.

The network aims to improve the conditions for the creation and operation of “Immovielien” in both policy and practice.


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