“Netzwerk Immovielien” - supporting the common good in the areas of real estate and neighbourhood de
The “Netzwerk Immovielien” is made up of actors from civil society, the public and social sectors, and the business and academic...
Unused infrastructure reactivated by turning into a "bike-expressway", Wuppertal, Germany.
The so called "Nordbahntrasse" is a former railroad, 23 km in length, in the city of Wuppertal, Germany. It was thanks to a civil...
No Tav grassroot movement. Piedmont, Italy
No Tav is a grassroot movement born in the 90’s and based in Piedmont (Italy). The movement was born in opposition to the proposed...
Clifden Tidy Towns Initiative. Clifden, Ireland.
Sometimes, urban movements are small, but all the more effective. In the vein of urban acupuncture, the Clifden Tidy Towns Initiative in...
The "Schwarzmarkt" neighbourhood initiative. Witten, Germany.
An inner city neighborhood, a little funding and the vision of a better way of living together - that are the key ingredients for the...
Car sharing facilitated by mobile phone apps contributing to behavioural shift towards multi-modal.
Car sharing is said to reduce the number of private vehicle ownership but what is even more interesting is that car sharing encourages a...
What does a protest for cleaner oceans got to do with inclusive cities? Dortmund, Germany
Inclusion in the context of cities means also the “Right on the City”. Each minority and or group of excluded people needs the chance to...
My favourite Spot(s) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
"It is hard to say if I have a favourite spot in Frankfurt. However, I enjoy seeing the city from above. Sitting on rooftops, watching...
My favourite Spot in Bamberg, Germany.
"I grew up in a little town called Bamberg in southern Germany. Bamberg boasts one of the best preserved historical centres in the...