"Build events, if required buildings can follow" Mumbai, India.
Thanks for sharing @decoding_urbanity! ··· “ Build events, if required buildings can follow. Festivals are culturally embedded and hold...
'The Foundry' Warehouse. Sydney, Australia.
Thanks to @cidade_maravilhos for sharing! ··· “ This early 'Federation' style warehouse is a prominent landmark in the inner city...
Bo-kaap, formerly known as the Malay Quarter, Cape Town, South Africa.
Bo-kaap, formerly known as the Malay Quarter, is one of the oldest Cape Malay areas in Cape Town, with some buildings dating back to...
Palacio del Congreso. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Initially designed by the Italian architect Vittorio Meano in Neoclassical style, the Palace of the Argentina National Congress (Palacio...
How to adapt the city development in harmony with its cultural heritage constructions? Luxemburg.
How to adapt the city development in harmony with its cultural heritage constructions? In Luxemburg, capital, the city center was...
El Rosario Church- National Heritage Site of the Masses. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Surrounded by old and sloppy buildings and visual contamination, the Church El Rosario rests on what was the most important religious...
Matera. On UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites since 1993. Matera, Italy.
“In these dark holes with walls cut out of the earth I saw a few pieces of miserable furniture, beds, and some ragged clothes hanging up...
The Transformation Process of the Central Train Station. Bonn, Germany
"The transformation process of the central train station in Bonn is evidently going slow. While the construction of the new shopping...
"An outstanding material manifestation of cultural fusion and harmonization" Stonetown, Za
UNESCO world heritage site, Stonetown is located on the largest island Unguja, in the Zanzibar Archipelago. The historical city was once...
What is Cultural Heritage in a Former Colonized Country? Brasilia, Brazil.
What is cultural heritage in a former colonized country? Is the architecture left by colons representative of the miscellaneous people...