Formalizing the Informal, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
The picture displays a Friday on-street Market on road no. 18, sector 13, Uttara Residential Area Dhaka. Its target customers are people coming out from the nearby mosque after Friday prayers. Vendors sell various items like vegetables, fish, or meat on their mobile 3 wheeler human pulled carts and in some cases carry their goods in their hands. This temporary market lasts for approx. 2hrs starting from 1.00pm to 3.00pm. The residential sector management committee has given them permission and special identification green gowns to vendors and takes a minimum monthly subscription fee of around 100 Bangladeshi taka. This facility brings services to the people living nearby and also creating a space of social cohesion. #urbanmarket #spaceutilization #streetvendor#temporarymarket #informality #formalization#explore_city #cityexplorations #sector13 #uttara#dhaka #bangladesh #southasia #asia