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Finding a gap (pt. 1): Cartoneros in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

Collecting, amassing, classifying, selling inorganic waste to recycling companies - that's what so called cartoneros ("the ones of the cartons") do in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Within the informality, some cartoneros have band together in associations, which not only help them to negotiate on the winnings with the recycling companies, but also regulate working hours and the territories of some neighbourhoods amongst the members. In this case, cartons, plastics, metals etc. are picked up at the door, which is a comfortable service for some Cruceños. The cartoneros became an informal supplementary service to the municipal waste collection, where waste separation is not treated. Consequently, it is a case where a market gap was acquired through informality, bringing benefits to the urban society. Of which further examples can you think of? #cartoneros #cartonerosenbolivia#cartonerosenlatinoamerica #wastepickers#wastepickersinbolivia #wastepickersinlatinamerica#asociacionderecolectores #nuevoamanecer#wastecollectionpoint #waste #wastecollection#recycling #informalcleaning #cleaningcompany#emacruz #informality #cityexplorations#zonajuanpabloII #santacruzdelasierra#departamentodesantacruz #bolivia #latinamerica Photo rights reserved by Adolfo Lino


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