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Public Space, São Paulo, Brazil.

Thanks to Lauren Dean for responding to our post on public space in Brasilia! Sharing is caring!!! “ In response to #cityexplorations post today about#publicspace in Brasilia, I was thinking about the comparison to São Paulo, another Brazilian #city, where #urbanpublicspaces are heavily used but also may be highly policed. This photo is the ground floor of #MASP art museum #building (2014), where people congregate/hangout/sleep and there is a permanent police stand for surveillance. In the second photo you also see a gate that separates the plaza from the entrance to the museum, pointing to the idea that although space can be built for "the public" there are distinct "publics" that emerge there. #buildingsoc #buildings #visualsociology#urbansociology #urbanarchitecture #architecture#urbanism #visualurbanism #urbanlandscape #urbanphotography #urban #visualmethods #visualresearch#urbanspace #urbanmorphology #sociologyofbuildings #cityexplorations #saopaulo #brazil #southamerica


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