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Public Space, Paris, France.

Public Spaces in Paris are currently under a revision through the „Plan Paris Piéton“ to adapt the PLU -the parisian land use plan. A recent study called L’espace public parisien: nouvelles pratiques, nouveaux usages on parisian public spaces done in 2012 by APUR (Atelier parisien D’urbanisme) undermines that public spaces have diverse and contrary uses if you take into consideration both societal (means of transport, lifestyles and social practices) and environmental (climate, biodiversity, pollution) issues. Paris has a lot of build up sealed public spaces. Should they break the concrete and create green spaces to cope with heat islands and improve the city climate ? Would these changes affect the identity of a city? . #APUR #publicspace #microclimate #culture#evironment #cityexplorartions #paris #france#europe


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