"Build events, if required buildings can follow" Mumbai, India.
Thanks for sharing @decoding_urbanity! ··· “ Build events, if required buildings can follow.
Festivals are culturally embedded and hold permanent historical significance in various parts of the world however are impermanent when it comes to occupying a space. They are rather adaptable and encourage community input and involvement.
India is well known for it's larger than life festivals celebrated all across the country throughout the year. 'Ganesh Chathurthi' is one such festival that lasts 11 days and is celebrated in honour of the elephant-headed God. The city is truly a spectacle during these days (August-September) and comes alive with songs, dances and drums. The community utilizes existing public spaces and cultural assets, which sparks interactions among members and nurtures positive images of urban areas, especially neighborhoods.
Multiple permanent structures - museums and stadiums in a city require a huge investment and eventually prove to be bad for the urban economic development. The aim should be to explore adaptable cheaper options to bring communities together. Further reading : Why cities should stop building museums and focus on festivals http://theconversation.com/why-cities-should-stop-building-… PC : The Financial Express Ganesh Chaturthi 2017
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#cityscape #decodingurbanity #infrasructure #cultural #culturalarchitecture#actofmapping ”