Slums in Manila, Philippines.
In the metropolitan region of Manila, the Philippines, the housing crisis after years of rural exodus reflects on over 4 million people living in slums, which represents roughtly 1/3 of the region`s total population. In this particular photo, the slum dwellers settled for years in a terrain belonging to the National Housing Agency, expecting that their housing needs would be fullfilled someday in this central area of the city. Instead, the Agency entered in a Public-Private-Partnership with a construction company which is developing the terrain for a high income class housing project (construction in the back of the picture). Slums dwellers are being removed to peripheries, where the land is cheaper, but there is a lack of job opportunities and infrastructure. The debate raised here is the right to the city.
The inner city is a place of opportunity, and in order to foster human development, access to it should be guaranteed for those who needed the most. How about your city? Where is your local government housing the poors?
#cityexplorations #housing #urbanoctober #urbanplanning #slums#humanrights #MetroManila #Philippines #SouthEastAsia #Asia