Using Art for Renewal, Johannesburg, South Africa
Maboneng, on the eastern side of the central business district of Johannesburg, is a neighbourhood which has over the last couple of years been transformed into a vibrant neighbourhood with restaurants, cafes, art galleries, museums, bars, new offices spaces and apartments. It is claimed that the neighbourhood through regeneration efforts has turned into "a home for the city's elite and well-to-do youth”. Great part of the neighbourhood's renewal has been done through bringing art in various forms to the area. All around the neighbourhood, besides art galleries, museums and shops which sell crafts, art in the public space can be found. The downside of the neighbourhood's regeneration is the displacement of its former inhabitants, low income households. Due to that one can argue that art as a means of place making potentially leads to the gentrification. What are your experiences with the use of art as a means for regeneration? Can its use easily lead to gentrification? Or which other factors might have not been considered or should be considered when using art for renewal?
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