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Kibera Walls for Peace Project, Nairobi, Kenya.

#Repost: Vintage Mwangi #cityexploration #thanksforsharing #sharingiscaring ··· “ "Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing. And even if you don't come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can make someone smile while they're having a piss"-Banksy. This vibrant street artwork in Nairobi as seen in the images is being used to foster peace, tolerance and social cohesion. The Kibera Walls for Peace project in 2013, for example, used street art to promote peace, understanding and cooperation between groups within Kibera during the election period. During the same period a 10-car commuter train that ran through the area called the Kibera Peace Train, also featured artwork with messages of peace and hope. Art has also been used to redefine neighbourhoods and reclaim streets as public spaces in most informal settlements in Nairobi. The graffiti artists and muralists involve residents in the murals they create, so communities embrace the artwork as they are consulted on ideas, messages and style. Organizations such as Sauti Ya Mtaa in Mathare informal settlement use murals to visually display relevant and localised information enabling communities to become better informed on issues pertinent to their lives. Hope Raisers Initiative on the other hand use street art to aesthetically transform the streets of Korogocho settlement through messages of hope and peace. Street art has and will continue to be a means of raising awareness and public education which encourages peaceful co-existence.


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