What does a protest for cleaner oceans got to do with inclusive cities? Dortmund, Germany
Inclusion in the context of cities means also the “Right on the City”. Each minority and or group of excluded people needs the chance to have access to spaces of possibilities. This contains all kind of groups that feel the need to address certain topics opinions or current political positions. The access to the city should be only denied if minorities and or excluded groups try to use their right to the city for propagating intolerance. It is like Karl Popper wrote in its paradox of tolerance: “the society must be intolerant of intolerance” in order to remain tolerant. Nonetheless, it is in the responsibility of planners to create these space of possibilities that are accessible by everyone to allow people to express their will to change certain things in our society or simply protest against current agendas, even if their point of view contradicts the common beliefs. It doesn’t matter if it is Greenpeace fighting for cleaner oceans at the Lake Phönix in Dortmund or the LGBT Movement on Christopher Street Days. Our Cities needs always places for change.
#cityexplorations #inclusivecities #righttothecity #greenpeace #KarlPopper #fightintolerance #fightforyourrights #dortmund #germany #europe