Urban subsided reality which is appearing as constant threat, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dhaka is the largest city of Bangladesh with around 20 million people but only a few urban services and infrastructures are accessible to all. Existing urban services and infrastructures in the megacity 'Dhaka' are insufficient to cover the basic needs of the city's inhabitants. Not only is housing an issue but also water, gas, electricity supply and sanitation facilities, core infrastructures and employment opportunities as well as transportation facilities.
To attain inclusiveness, it is necessary to ensure spatial, social and economic inclusion in the city. Hence an inclusive city would be a place where everyone has access to basic urban services, infrastructures and opportunities and knows that he or she has the right to access such.
City leaders need to think more about people’s diversity and distinct needs and should break down barriers. The question is - How far have we gone and how much are we committed with our efforts to make our city inclusive and livable?
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Pictures all rights reserved by Asif Khan, Maruf Rahman & Ismat Xerin Silvia