798 Art Zone, Beijing, China.
798 Art Zone is a district in Beijing entirely dedicated to art. It is a former industrial area which was built in the 1950’s in...
Housing a major problem in rapidly growing Dhaka City, Bangladesh.
Housing remains one of the major problems in rapidly growing Dhaka city. The causes of the problem are that the housing supply and its...
Singapore's Unique Approach to Housing.
Up until now, Singapore has developed a unique housing system - three quarters of total housing stock have been built by the Housing &...
Slums in Manila, Philippines.
In the metropolitan region of Manila, the Philippines, the housing crisis after years of rural exodus reflects on over 4 million people...
Spatial Planning in Coastal Cities, Palawan, Philippines.
Climate change is affecting life under water: 90% of the world's coral reefs are expected do disappear by 2050, threatening marine life...
Water Logging in Dhaka City, Bangladesh.
Water logging is common in Dhaka city during the monsoon. Recent analysis infers that poor or inadequate drainage systems are not the...
"Build events, if required buildings can follow" Mumbai, India.
Thanks for sharing @decoding_urbanity! ··· “ Build events, if required buildings can follow. Festivals are culturally embedded and hold...
Panam Nagar - A Ruined City of Sonargaon. Bangladesh.
Panam Nagar - A ruined city of Sonargaon (the oldest capital of Bengal) The cotton textile industry and trading were always a part of...
Demolition of Beijing's Historical Courtyard Alleyways. Beijing, China.
The demolition of Beijing's historical courtyard alleyways, called Hutong, has long been one of the city's most controversial issues. At...
Tiananmen City Square, Beijing, China.
Tiananmen is one of the world’s largest city squares, covering an area of 440.500m². It was designed and built in 1651, on the former...