Public Light Art Show, Rouen, France.
In Rouen, the capital of the Normandy, every year in summer a public light show takes place on the facade of the city's Cathedral. The...
Art against Crime, The Case of Ecatepec, Mexico.
We already posted on the case of Ecatepec in Mexico a couple of month ago. However, the street art project in Ecatepec, one of Mexico’s...
Using Art for Renewal, Johannesburg, South Africa
Maboneng, on the eastern side of the central business district of Johannesburg, is a neighbourhood which has over the last couple of...
Guerrilla-Art on Temporary Safety Bollards, Melbourne, Australia.
In June 2017 temporary safety bollards were installed in pedestrian malls across the CBD in Melbourne, Australia, as a means of...
The Urban Environment - The Heart of Civilization, Tehran, Iran.
Art in urban space is one of the interdisciplinary subjects, a topic in various disciplines and trends such as architecture, sculpture,...
Housing a major problem in rapidly growing Dhaka City, Bangladesh.
Housing remains one of the major problems in rapidly growing Dhaka city. The causes of the problem are that the housing supply and its...
Housing as a Human Right, San Francisco, USA.
"Over the past twenty years, San Francisco’s Mission District has radically changed. Especially since the first dotcom boom in the late...
Singapore's Unique Approach to Housing.
Up until now, Singapore has developed a unique housing system - three quarters of total housing stock have been built by the Housing &...
Slums in Manila, Philippines.
In the metropolitan region of Manila, the Philippines, the housing crisis after years of rural exodus reflects on over 4 million people...
Housing issues, Stockholm, Sweden.
The city of Stockholm is an interesting example for special challenges in urban development because of its geographical location: The...